In support of the United Nations declared 2016 the international Year of the Pulse (IYOP) the Australian National IYOP Committee, of which Michelle Broom GLNC’s General Manager is a member, recently ran an online National recipe competition: The Australian Signature Dish recipe competition. An expert panel judged the finalists and on the 29th July, at the Australian Grains Industry Conference (AGIC) conference the Quinoa, Black Lentil & Roasted Barley Salad submitted by Alison Victor was announced as the Australia’s Signature Pulse Dish. In addition to being showcased on the national stage at the 2015 AGIC, the Australian Signature Pulse Dish will be recognised along with other signature dishes from around the world as part of the global pulse industry celebration of IYOP. To view all of the delicious recipes submitted as part of the competition, including the winners of the people’s choice, healthy recipe and professional chef categories >>CLICK HERE