A year on from their initial announcement, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) have reminded food businesses that from 26 May 2018, lupin must be declared as a potential allergen on food packaging.
This amendment to the Food Standards Code means that it is now mandatory for lupin to be declared when it is present as an ingredient, compound ingredient, additive or processing aid.
Lupin is a type of legume (like kidney beans or lentils), available in various formats, including flakes, flour and whole beans and used in a range of grain foods like bread, breakfast cereal or pasta. The decision to identify lupin as an allergen on food packaging will make it easier for people with a lupin allergy to identify and avoid foods containing lupin and enjoy those that are lupin free.
There has been a 12 month transition period allowed for the food industry to update product information and declarations. All products, new and existing, will be required to comply with this requirement. Read more about the change in labeling requirements here.